View Full Version : New Books Available

Reasonable Rascal
09-24-02, 02:10
I've just added a bunch of slightly used and new medical books to the sales board. Only a single copy of each is available. All are shelf references or instructor copies in excellant condition.

Special find! Whaley & Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children, a complete 5-volume set for over a $100 savings!

Nursing assistant textbooks.

Nursing diagnosis manuals.

And more! Stop by and check it out. Some of these come from a retired physician's private library. Very well cared for and not available anywhere else.

08-28-04, 15:16
RR,do you have any books on taking x-rays or 12 lead EKG's available?Because that's what I am looking for.

Reasonable Rascal
08-28-04, 19:07
X-rays no but I do have a used copy of ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy, which includes 12-lead's as well as rhythm strips, etc.

One of these days I'll have a bunch of nursing books - some highlighted in various colors :p: and others pretty well unmarked - listed as well. For darn site less than the bookstores want for them. Sheesh! One hundred and HOW MUCH for that book ?!?!?!


02-28-05, 15:23

I know what you mean...My instructors used to say "Oh, keep them for reference." Now my editions are 10+ years out of date.

But those $100+ books are still useful. One of the legs fell off my couch, and the ol' textbooks are now useful to me again!

Stay Safe,

02-28-05, 17:12
I'll let gs2hi get first dibs, but if he doesn't want the ECG book - I do!
